Showing posts with label Duck Test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duck Test. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2017

3 Types Of Friends To Avoid

The strength of friendships is based on our interactions with one another. It’s about the things you enjoy about them, and what they enjoy about you. That’s why we can spend hours with our closest friends while literally doing nothing; that's companionship.

The list below is the kind of friends you need to avoid this year if you don't want to be dragged behind.

1. The friend who always needs to be better than you.
Envy is a trait associated with humans. So, it's in our nature to be envious every now and then, but a true friend will always be happy for you — whether it's your career, your relationship, your wardrobe and etc - but the envious friend will only be happy when they proved that they are better than you. 
This friend cheers you on your achievement or success, but in reality, they secretly just don’t like you nor want the best for you. Be careful; because these people may want to appear like your friends due to strategic and calculative reasons and will likely mask their true feelings with eagerness and compliments. Your intuition should always be in the know.

2. The friend who add no meaning to your life.

Bad friends couldn’t care less about your well-being or interest, and this shows in the context of your interactions. They’ll hang out when it’s convenient for them. Getting to know you isn’t important—they just find you convenient for the moment. 
Friends like these, always bring their problems to you and expect you to solve them, but when things are rough for you or you need something from them, they are nowhere to be found or they give you all manner of excuses. They constantly take, and that is just their way of life. If you are someone who is always generous and giving, these people will know no bounds when taking from you. They never contribute anything meaningful to your life.

3. The friend who always lets you down. 
This kind of friend acts like you're their best friend when you are together. They are always making plans and promising to keep in touch, but they never do. As soon as you're out of sight, it's as if they have forgotten you even exist. They just don’t want to prioritize their time with you and the only time they do will be when they need you to accompany them to beach parties or clubhouses. They end up landing you in trouble that you never anticipated.

Not everything is always what it appears to be, including friendships. The ultimate sign of a bad friend can be shown with something as simple as the Duck Test: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck. You can spot a bad “friend” by observing that person’s habitual characteristics.
Good friendships are based on loyalty, sincerity, trust, respect, love, and laughter. Take inventory of the people in your life. Upon close examination, you will know in your heart who matters and who is just a bad friend, incapable of true friendship and unworthy of yours.

You can equally add more to the list through the comment box below.